Arón Piper, main star of “15 years and one day”

arón piperWhat has it meant to you to be playing the main role in one of Gracia Querejeta’s movies at such a young age?

The fact that Gracia chose me to star in her movie means a lot to me, and it has been a big step in my film career. For me, it was an opportunity I couldn’t let pass. Also, in this movie, I’ve been able to work alongside great actors from Spain, like Maribel Verdú, TitoValverde, etc., and I’ve been able to gain more experience in acting because playing a leading role in a full-length movie means being in front of the camera every day.

How was your experience of working with Gracia Querejeta this second time round?

Gracia is a great film director but she’s an even greater human being. I love working with her because she’s very subtle, and because of the way she corrects you or suggests ways for improving your work. What’s more, she’s been for me, during this full-length film as well as the previous short, like a “second mother” who has looked after me, and the rest of the team too.

What was it like having Maribel Verdú and Tito Valverde as your co-stars?

It was a great experience, both satisfying and productive. It’s not everyday that one gets the opportunity to share the camera with a “movie star”. They are actors with a lot of experience and very professional, but the best thing is that, on top of all that, they’re very nice and friendly people, and you can go out for a drink with them after work and share a laugh with them and enjoy a good atmosphere.

Do you think the problems faced by Jon, your character in the film, are common among teenagers?

Not every aspect of the youngsters’ lives in the movie are common, but it’s true that many young people live through difficult situations, even harder and with more conflicts than the ones in the film. I think that it depends very much (as the film shows) on the environment,the family situation and the people around you.

Why would you recommend to anyone to come and see “15 years and one day”?

I would recommend the movie because it’s humble and simple, and talks about real aspects of daily life, which I would recommend to any audience. There are some really tough moments in the film, but, as in any drama, there’s also tenderness and love.