Unfinished Affairs

Natalia de Molina, Gerardo de Pablos, Fred Tatien, Dariam Coco | Dir: Juan Miguel del Castillo
2022 | 101’ mins
Inspector Manuel Bianquetti is forced to accept a transfer to Cadiz. His inner peace is shattered by the discovery of a young woman’s body who reminds him of a past that torments him. Despite the opposition of his superiors, Bianquetti sets out on a solitary crusade to catch the culprit, following evidence that could be the product of his imagination.. His neighbour, a fragile nurse harassed by her ex-partner, seems to be the only person on his side.

Cert. 18


- Malaga Film Festival: Official Section 2022
Buy tickets - Edinburgh Dominion Buy tickets - Stirling


  • TBC

    October 15, 2022 (5:45pm)
  • TBC

    October 13, 2022 (7:45m)
  • TBC

    October 28, 2022 (6:15pm)
Spanish with English subtitles