Most parents love and care for their children, but it is easy to forget how difficult the transition from childhood to adulthood can be. Alex, Gabi and Oki are three teenagers making their way through life in the city. Like any other teenagers, they like to push the boundaries that their parents and society have forced upon them, by drinking, fighting and spraying graffiti … They are social misfits becoming increasingly estranged from their parents, teachers and, even from themselves.
The Wild Ones continues the Spanish neorealist movement that Carlos Saura led in the 70s and 80s, exploring life in a climate of high unemployment and criminality. It won the prestigious award for Best Film at this year’s Málaga Film Festival.
"From a solid journalistic background, and well-versed in the world of cinema, Patricia Ferreira seems to have developed her recent career as a filmmaker from that professional base; endowing her films with screenplays that are tough, solid and powerful, and whose complexities are developed with sense and order, and without narrative grandstanding. At the same time, the stories they contain are always framed by broader social concerns: the loss of loved ones, AIDS, old age..." (Pere Vall, Fotogramas)