Interview with Film Editor Antonio Frutos, from ‘The Wild Ones’

6_los-niños-salvajes-2Can you tell us about the plot of the film?

‘The Wild Ones’ is the story of three teenagers who have to decide where to go with their lives: do what their families tell them to do or find their own identities. In a country marred by extensive financial cut-backs in its social policies, the director Patricia Ferreira felt the need to analyze why our teenagers become ‘wild kids’.

‘The Wild Ones’ is set in Catalonia. What marks this film as different from others?

Cinema is an open window to the world; in this case the story shows that Catalonia is a region with its own customs and language. The film illustrates this characteristic by mixing the dialogues in Spanish and Catalonian, which is something that happens in many families.

What is the main theme of the film? Do you think that the British audience will understand it despite of the cultural differences?

One of the main themes of the film is the family and its responsibility in raising children. It’s a universal subject and the British audience, or any other audiences, can contrast their own reality with that of Spain. Plus, we were all teenagers once, and no doubt felt the need for freedom and to rebel.

‘The Wild Ones’ screening starts on thursday the 9th of October. Why should people go along to see it?

Because it’s a film that has a social commentary; is close to reality; filmed and edited as a documentary; with young actors who give everything on the screen. You can also learn a bit more about a different society.