Santiago Bertrán, BA Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Warwick
I was honored to attend the Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival in its 9th edition – this year in person, back at the magical site of the Edinburgh Filmhouse. What a wonderful way this festival has been to leave behind (if only briefly) the difficult times we have gone through. I was amazed at the level of professionality, talent, attentiveness, and warmth. The curated program was fantastic (including Alejandro Amenábar’s provocative historical film ‘While at war’, which I was invited to present!), the people and the audiences were amazing, and the organization was just perfect. As a long-time friend of Marian Aréchaga and her team, I am just impressed with the incredible cultural event they have put together, and I am just impressed with the incredible cultural event they have put together, and I am very grateful that this year I have been able to take part in it! Long live the ESFF!