An Aperitif for ‘Mugaritz BSO’

15deJunio 10The Spanish newspaper El País yesterday reported on the first reactions in Boston after the visit of chefs Dani Lasa, Ramón Perisé and Oswaldo Oliva to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). According to El País, a mixed audience of students, engineers and scientists joined the three chefs to discover some of the most surprising culinary secrets of the Mugaritz restaurant, considered the sixth best in the world and under the charge of the famous chef Andoni Luis Aduriz. As you may already know, Aduriz will be with us at the ESFF to present the documentary ‘Mugaritz BSO‘ and chat with the audience about his wonderful restaurant. We remind you that the tickets for the event are already available and can be purchased online only. In the meantine, enjoy the article from El País on the acclaimed American adventure of Lasa, Perisé and Oliva. The perfect aperitif for ‘Mugaritz BSO‘!